PROJECT TITLE: Be Clever - live more healthily
Applicant organisations:
- Staedtisches Gymnasium Guetersloh (Germany)
- Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Alessandrini-Marino (Italy)
- Technikum Nr 5 w Zespole Szkół Spożywczych (Poland)
This project;
will foster a healthy lifestyle as reported in a document from European Commission "Healthy Eating for Young People in Europe (a school-based nutrition education guide)
will enhance the quality of European dimension of school education.
will develop understanding among students and staff of diversity of European cultures and languages and their value
will enhance the institutions view of life and will broaden their scope in order to foster innovation and creativity
will contribute to create a deep spirit of initiative among young European citizens to facilitate the transition to working life by doing some activities related to European Voluntary Service
will allow us to get familiar with different assessment tools, methods and approaches applying in partner countries, (such as CLIL)
will give us opportunities to exchange good practices about how these assessments increase the motivation of learning English among the students from partner countries.