Thursday, December 20, 2012
Italian Comenius Team - Old People's House experience
The Comenius group went to visit the rest home "G. De Benedictis" at the entrance of our town. Very nice it was to see the encounter between different generations, and in a cold day, the idea of organizing the bingo with all the aged guests worked to break the ice and to hear so many stories where the need for attention and affection clearly emerged.
Students and teachers brought little gifts to be raffled off during the different steps of the bingo; the winners were happy with the little presents that will be testifying a day with the students of our school.
The afternoon passed quickly and almost without realizing; each student has made his her sensibility available to the eldelrly to let them spend an afternoon different from the usual with the help of small gestures. Everyone was happy to pose in front of the camera and with the students.
In this visit the bridge between the generations was the bingo; we will try to make a little movie with the pictures taken in order to go and visit one more time some people who have a great desire to tell about themselves and to tell their experiences to all those who can get in listened
Students: Nocella Matteo, Tariscella Federico, Pettinaro Sara, Ferratuschi Serena, Serra Nicola, Di Marco Isaac, Ciminà Gabriele ... and teachers: Di Gaspare Fabiola, Di Claudio Denia, Loreto Giovannucci want to thank the rest home “G. De Benedectis” for the hospitality, the staff and all the elders who spent the afternoon with the Comenius group allowing us all to grow up for the new experience gained.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
A Social Day in Zespół Szkół Spożywczych, Zabrze
We celebrated A Social Day on 12th December.
There was a meeting with Ms Hanna Kubica (30 students - 3 students from each class). Ms Kubica is one of the best mediators in Poland. She discussed with students how to build good relations with other students, teachers and parents. She also explained the rules of good communication - a high self-esteem, an ability of listening to other people and etc.
There were also workshops with Ms Kubica for our Comenius Team and students who are engaged in different Comenius activities. Students could learn more about building self-esteem, coping with stressful life situations and good relations with people.
Ms Anna Gołąbek and her students prepared a display stall where students and teachers could taste delicious and healthy sandwiches. The sandwiches were prepared by Ms Mielczarek and her students. The idea was to promote eating breakfast as the most important meal of the day. Everyone could also take our Comenius newsletter and Christmas cards (made by Magda Figacz from IICT). All the money was donated to charity - Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (Christmas Help Orchestra)
Thursday, December 6, 2012
German Comenius team - visiting a charity organisation
In November
the German Comenius group visited a local charity organisation in order to get
to know more about this social project.
The girls at "Die Gütersloher Tafel" |
The organisation
we visited is called “Die Gütersloher Tafel”. They
make use of the fact that supermarkets very often throw away food that actually
is still absolutely fine and could be eaten without any problems or health
risks. That is why they collect these products from various supermarkets – e.g.
dairy products that have just reached the best-before-date but will still be
okay for two more weeks, fruit and vegetables with minimal bruises, and sweets
that cannot be sold anymore (e.g. after Christmas massed of chocolate) – and store
them in a big warehouse.
Throughout the week they distribute this food all
across Gütersloh to people in need who are officially registered for this kind
of help. This way a family can save more than 150€ a month on food, which they
can consequently use for other items urgently needed. More than 3500 people in
the area of Gütersloh profit from this organisation every week. As it is a
charity organisation, it depends on donations and voluntary work to organise the collection and distribution of the food.
The amount of food stored in the warehouse |
Last week
our Comenius team visited the organisation and was informed about the way they
work. Only then most of them realised the scale of help that is given here and
the huge effort that the volunteers put into this.
We also
learned that “Die Gütersloher Tafel” makes it possible to live healthily even
if you do not have much money – something that is not easy to manage on unemployment
benefit of welfare money alone.
The amount
of fresh fruit and vegetables, yoghurt as well as low-fat meat distributed allows
the people to have a balanced diet. From time to time even cookery courses are offered
to teach the people how to prepare fresh ingredients properly, so that they will
not turn to more unhealthy ready-made versions or fast food instead.
Listening to the information we were given |
Generally it
can be said that all our pupils once again realised how important good food is
to enhance the quality of life. Furthermore all of us will probably think twice
from now on when they are about to throw away food just because the
best-before-date has gone by and not because the food has gone off.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Polish Comenius Team - Old People's House experience
There were two visits in Old People's House run by St. Camillus Order in Cisowa Street in Zabrze. The first visit took place on 22nd November and the second one on 29th November. What is amazing is the fact that four pupils who do not belong to our Comenius Team wanted to come with us when they had found out about our plans.
People who live there have various health problems and need twenty-four-hour care. They sometimes feel lonely. All students talked with the residents about their lives, the importance of practising some sports not only at school but all life long. Piotrek and Patryk learnt that pupils had four PE lessons per week in Poland in the 1950s. Pupils had to wear white T-shirts and dark blue shorts. Pupils also had to take part in compulsory swimming lessons. Physical condition and being fit was very important at that time in Poland.
Ms Kroemeke (You can see Piotr and Patryk with Ms Kroemeke in the picture) also says that it is crucial to stay fit when being old because it makes your life easier. She wishes all students to be more active and spend less time in front of computers or TV.
Magda Figacz organized embroidery workshops. Magda and Kasia Zimon showed old ladies how to embroider a simple card. You can see their work and the results below.
It was an unforgettable experience for all of us. Our students had to talk to people they hadn't known before. Some residents were open and eager to talk. They talked about life, everyday problems, being lonely. Almost all students are sure they will continue their visits in Old People's House because they know these people need some company. They also know how important it is to feel needed and help those who need care, kind words or just want to talk to or be listened to.
I would like to thank you for your work and commitment:
Father Director General and Ms Patrycja Dubiel, Ms Anna Gołąbek and
all students:
Piotr Hulin, Paulina Radwańska, Ewelina Pawłowska, Sara Kobylas, Patryk Golonko, Aleksandra Kulińska, Daria Walter, Wiktoria Górecka,
Angelina Dziaduszek, Magdalena Figacz, Katarzyna Zimon, Joanna Rosada
and Wiktoria Żaczek.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Sports Survey - the German Results
It's all about sport - the new gym at the SGG |
The results of the survey on sport-habits amongst the
German students show us that sport plays an important role in nearly everyone’s
However, when it comes to the choice of a favourite
sport, opinions vary a lot. Apart from individual sports like jogging, going to
the gym, inline skating or going swimming, many pupils also enjoy team-sports
like volleyball, football or badminton. A few also reported about their passion
for dancing, horseback riding or tennis.
All students practise sport regularly because they want
to get fitter and because it is fun for them. The majority prefer doing sport
outside and are also a member in a sports club. Most of them work out three or
four times a week. The preferences towards individual sports or team sports are
fairly evenly distributed.
In Germany, pupils have PE lessons twice a week.
Whereas most of them participate in these lessons regularly, a third of them
does not enjoy this.
All students consider it very important to be
physically active in order to lead a healthy life.
Nearly all of them are of the opinion that football is probably the most popular sport in Germany which is also shown on TV the most. However, only half of them watch sport on TV. If they do, they normally watch football, winter-sports like biathlon or special events like the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Open Day at the SGG: Presentation of the Comenius Project
On the open day of our school on which pupils and teachers present the SGG to parents and new pupils, the Comenius-Project was presented, describing the activities taking place, presenting results of surveys and showing photos of the meetings that have already taken place.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Polish Comenius Team - the results of the sports questionnaire
The results tell us many positive things.
Football and volleyball seem to be students' most favourite kinds of sport. FOOTBALL is also considered to be the most popular sport in Poland.
All students practise sport regularly because they want to get fitter and because it's fun for them. They prefer going to the gym to doing sports outside.
The majority of students prefer team sport. They also participate in PE lessons at school regularly and they have three PE lessons per week.
The majority of students say that their parents don't practise any sport regularly and that their parents don't have an influence on their children's physical education.
All students consider physical condition to be important for leading a healthy lifestyle and they all share an opinion that it is important to be active physically all their life.
The picture was taken by Dawid Scholz. It is our football stadium in Zabrze.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
On Sunday 21st there were arrivals and
the first meeting between students from Poland and Italian students
was really nice, as it was nice meeting the German pupils again.
On Monday morning after the welcoming
speech of our Principal and the explanation of the week program , we
accompanied our guests to visit the city center of Teramo with some
Italian pupils as guides. In the afternoon the teachers went to work
on the project and the students began to compose a song, as it was
expected in the activities of the project.
From October 21st to 26th was held the
second meeting of the Comenius pupils, in Teramo, Italy.The meeting
in Teramo follows the one held in Germany in April. The German
students were hosted by the Italian pupils who had previously gone to
Germany and the Polish students were hosted by other students of our
Institute. In total we had 15 guests : 7 Polish and 8 German pupils.
The visit to a local farm where the
pupils were able to see both the production of olive oil and the
production of cheese was very interesting. At the end of the visit
each pupils received ½ liter of oil produced from the farm.
The next day the Comenius group was
involved in a wonderful trip to Rome, where pupils and teachers
could see the Colosseum going through the Imperial Forum, Piazza
Venezia with the altar of the Fatherland, then the Trevi Fountain,
Piazza di Spagna, Piazza del Popolo and Villa Borghese. Finally we
walked to the Pantheon and Piazza Navona. We visited some of the
most important monuments in the ancient core of the city, considering
the short time available.
On Thursday morning, before the
departure of the Polish group , we recorded the song. A Polish
student with his guitar and his voice gave rhythm to the song and the
other German, Polish and italian pupils served as a choir. By
mid-morning the Polish group left accompanied by the involved
students' moved greetings.
During the week the guest students,
attended some lessons in class with the host pupils .
The past week along with our guests
went by very quickly. It was intense, hectic and wonderfully
surprising even for the manifestations of affection from the host
families towards the hosted pupils.
The friendships made in Germany have
become firmer and new friendships were born between Polish and
Italian students. All of them have improved their use of the English
language and enlarged their cultural knowledge about points in common
and differences with their partners.
The group of teachers proved to be
quite satisfied with the work done.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Italian lessons were organized for students (not only for those who are going to Italy in October) in our school in Zabrze. In the pictures you can see how our students are learning basic Italian and are doing a poster about Italy.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
"Be clever - live more healthily" on "Science Day" 2012
The Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development organized "Science Day" 2012 in one of the parks in Zabrze on 14th September. The aim of this event is to promote regional science institutions, schools, universities, culture institutions and also regional non-government associations and their science achievements. This event is very popular with local community. Students and pupils, parents with their small children visit display stalls.
We promoted our project “Be clever - live more healthily”. Visitors could drink fresh squeezed orange and carrot juice, try apples, take home recipes for healthy meals which are also published in our “Recipes book” and which come from Germany, Italy and Poland. They could also learn what is Body Mass Index (BMI).
The display stall was prepared by Ania Gołąbek, Tomasz Grzywacz and students who participate in the project. Our stall was third in the competition for the best display!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
A newsletter: "Comenius football favourites"
Poland and Ukraine are hosting Euro 2012. Sara, Mariusz and Daniel prepared some healthy desserts to celebrate this football festival and our Comenius project.
The desserts represent national flags of the countries participating in our project: Poland, Germany and Italy.
In the pictures below you can see strawberry mousse made with fresh strawberries and whipped double cream - Polish flag. Italian and German flags are made with different fruit jellies.
The desserts represent national flags of the countries participating in our project: Poland, Germany and Italy.
In the pictures below you can see strawberry mousse made with fresh strawberries and whipped double cream - Polish flag. Italian and German flags are made with different fruit jellies.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Our common diet plan
Over the last months, all the three schools worked out a common diet plan with some really nice and healthy recipes. These will be published soon in our recipes book. Here you can already have a look at the common diet plans (the menus) of the three countries:
Mid- morning snack
Afternoon snack
· Homemade musli with natural joghurt
bread with butter and ham
· Camembert paste
· Orange juice
roll with butter and cheese
· Apple
· Green tea
· Ukrainian borsch
· Trout baked in aluminum foil
· Baked potatoes
· Carrot and horseradish salad
· Compote
Vitamin jelly with strawberries
· Vegetable and herring salad
· Wholemeal bread
· Green tea
· Butter
Fruity Smoothie
Glory Muffins
Chicken breast and potato
Afternoon Snack
Yoghurt- Fruit- Skewer
Asparagus salad
Asparagus soup
Homemade biscuits
Milk and coffè
Mid- morning snack
Plain yogurt with fruit
Chitarra with meat tomato sauce
Meatballs with peas
an apple
Afternoon snack
Fruit salad
Baked monkfish
Green salad with lemon
Crostata with strawberry jam
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Meeting in Germany
From April 22nd to 27th, the first
Comenius Meeting with pupils took place in Gütersloh, Germany. After having
communicated and worked together online for several months, the 9 Italian and
13 Polish guests and their teachers as well as their German partners and hosts
were excited to finally meet “in real life”. So Sunday, the arrival day, was
very exciting for all the pupils as they had to get to know each other and life
in the families.
During the next days, we continued
to work on our project. In international groups the pupils designed logos for
our project and for the cover of the recipes book and also voted for their
Furthermore the pupils also did
something for their physical well-being by going to a gym. While the girls
enjoyed themselves in a Zumba-lesson, the boys got the chance to test their
on the exercise equipment of the gym.
Visits to the “Sparrenburg” and
“Dr.Oetker Welt” in Bielefeld – including a nice and warm pudding out of the
“pudding wonder” and a tasting of various sorts of pizza and pudding afterwards
- made for another unforgettable day. Also the trip to Cologne with some
sightseeing and a visit to the museum of chocolate was a really enjoyable part
of the week spent together.
In Gütersloh, the exchange students
really enjoyed being at school together with their German partners. Especially
the lunch in the school canteen and a farewell brunch on the last day will be
remembered. They also stressed that exploring the town in the afternoons was
very exciting.
All in all it can be said that our
first meeting was a big success. New friendships have developed, all the pupils
have learned and personally gained a lot from living together with somebody
from another country. Now everybody is looking forward to October when our next
meeting will be taking place in Italy.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
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