Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Be clever - live more healthily" on "Science Day" 2012

The Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development organized "Science Day" 2012 in one of the parks in Zabrze on 14th September. The aim of this event is to promote regional science institutions, schools, universities, culture institutions and also regional non-government associations and their science achievements. This event is very popular with local community. Students and pupils, parents with their small children visit display stalls.

 We promoted our project “Be clever - live more healthily”. Visitors could drink fresh squeezed orange and carrot juice, try apples, take home recipes for healthy meals which are also published in our “Recipes book” and which come from Germany, Italy and Poland. They could also learn what is Body Mass Index (BMI).
The display stall was prepared by Ania Gołąbek, Tomasz Grzywacz and students who participate in the project. Our stall was third in the competition for the best display!